Wednesday 14 February 2018

More geothermal shenannigans

Gill's notebook:

Better weather -sun and cloud, hot in sun. Walked to geothermal park, mud pools/steam. talked to couple from Melbourne. Began to pour!  Lunch Picnic Cafe - soups and croque monsieur - lump in tum. Walked Govt. Gdns. Evening meal in Turkish restaurant, good food, v. poor service.

If you are disinclined to pay the entrance fee to theme park styled geysers. the thin crust area in Kuirau Park is free

We walked to Ohinemutu, an old predominately Maori village on the lake a couple of  kilometres north west of the town centre. By this time the sunshine had gone and some chunky clouds were gathering on the horizon. We headed back to find a cafe for lunch.


The Picnic Cafe looked promising - we ordered soup with a croque monsieur, in the event probably the soup would have sufficed - an eyes bigger than stomach moment.

Interior design here is very quirky - people seem to like an eclectic mix - fussy chandelier with quasi-Orphist picture.

then there was the 'carapace' wall paper....  

By the time we finished lunch - back to drizzle .

Replica 'waka taua' built during the 1980s

Traditionally Maori war canoes had carved decoration before European contact, however, the use of iron tools made from ship's nails resulted in finer and more sophisticated wood-carving,
The dark thunder clouds produced a numinous light - the flower beds almost glowed 

and soon resulted in a downpour - soaked to the skin again! Note to selves - while in New Zealand - even if the sky is wall to wall blue, never venture forth without a brolly!

Pete - FB:

"Overheard yesterday evening outside Hobbiton Set store in Rotorua: 
"Paim, geet yerrself een, I'll teek yer peekchair wi weezaird Geeldorf." 
Still not sure if the humour was intended, either way it was very funny."

weezaird Geeldorf

We wondered about having our evening meal at Atticus Finch again as it seemed to be the best place in town for inexpensive, delicious food. We tried to book but there were no tables to be had. The reason - Feb 14th - Valentine's day. Rotorua by early evening was packed with romantically inclined couples of all ages, shapes, sizes and ethnic origin! Top prize has to go to the three couples who had out-foxed the restaurant crush by purloining the town's bandstand by bringing along tables. chairs, floral decoration, a two burner stove and a case of wine. 'Happy Valentines!' they shouted as we passed. You have to love New Zealand and its open, friendly people. We chatted briefly, they do this every year apparently, but not always in the bandstand - that was a late adjustment to the party arrangements due to the 'mixed' weather.

Happy Valentines!

Finally we did manage to see the Government Gardens in full sun.

The main source for the Thermal Baths.

'Eat Street' was packed. In the end we found a Turkish Restaurant with a few vacant tables. The service was chaotic and slow. We read a list of very negative reviews on Google while we waited, of course we should of done this beforehand! However, in the event the 'Levantine' style lamb stew was freshly made and delicious. If I had to choose between tardy service and good food or efficient service and mediocre cooking, then unless you are in a rush the former has got to be preferable.